Book Titles

The Advantage
Why Organizational Health Trumps Everything Else in Business

By Patrick Lencioni

Year Published: 2012
ISBN-13: 978-0-470-94152-2
Categories: Health, Leadership, Purpose

100 Quotes Found

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The Advantage:

If an organization is tolerant of everything, it will stand for nothing.


The Advantage:

The importance of creating values in creating clarity and enabling a company to become healthy cannot be overstated.


The Advantage:

Companies that are serious about their values find that the right customers eventually start to seek them out naturally.


The Advantage:

Core values lie at the heart of the organization’s identity, do not change over time, and must already exist. In other words, they cannot be contrived.


The Advantage:

Confusing core and aspirational values is a frequent mistake that companies make. It is critical that leaders understand the difference.


The Advantage:

It’s important that leaders guard against accidental values taking root because they can prevent new ideas and people from flourishing in an organization.


The Advantage:

A core value will have been apparent for a long time and requires little intentional provocation.


The Advantage:

…organizations need to understand the various kinds of values is to prevent them from getting confused with and diluting the core. Core values are what matters most.


The Advantage:

Once an organization identifies and describes its core values and separates them from the other kinds, it must then do its best to be intolerant of violations of those values.


The Advantage:

…an organization’s definition can change over time, but only when the market changes and calls for a meaningful shift in the fundamental activity of the organization.