Book Titles

The Advantage
Why Organizational Health Trumps Everything Else in Business

By Patrick Lencioni

Year Published: 2012
ISBN-13: 978-0-470-94152-2
Categories: Health, Leadership, Purpose

100 Quotes Found

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The Advantage:

…waiting for clear confirmation that a decision is exactly right is a recipe for mediocrity and almost a guarantee of eventual failure.


The Advantage:

…organizations learn by making decisions, even bad ones.


The Advantage:

…enduring organizations understand the fundamental reason they were founded and why they exist, and they stay true to that reason.


The Advantage:

An organization’s core purpose – why it exists – has to be completely idealistic.


The Advantage:

Employees in every organization, and at every level, need to know that at the heart of what they do lies something grand and aspirational.


The Advantage:

…every organization must contribute in some way to a better world for some group of people, because if it doesn’t, it will, and should, go out of business.


The Advantage:

As a result of having no real idealistic boundaries, they [executives] operate in a largely reactive, shortsighted way, being overly tactical and opportunistic.


The Advantage:

…an organization’s reason for existence, its purpose, has to be true. It must be based on the real motivations of the people who founded or are running the organization…


The Advantage:

…an organization’s reason for existing is not meant to be a differentiator…


The Advantage:

If an organization is tolerant of everything, it will stand for nothing.