The Advantage:
Conflict is about issues and ideas, while accountability is about performance and behavior.
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The Advantage:
…there is no getting around the fact that the only measure of a great team – or a great organization, is whether it accomplishes what it sets out to accomplish.
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The Advantage:
The ultimate point of building greater trust, conflict, commitment, and accountability is one thing: the achievement of results.
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The Advantage:
When it comes to how a cohesive team measures its performance, one criterion sets it apart from noncohesive ones: its goals are shared across the entire team.
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The Advantage:
Great teams ensure that all members, in spite of their individual responsibilities and areas of expertise, are doing whatever they can do to help the team accomplish its goals.
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The Advantage:
Teams that lead healthy organizations come to terms with the difficult but critical requirement that its members must put the needs of the higher team ahead of the needs of their departments.
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The Advantage:
…clarity…is a word that is used incessantly by leaders, consultants, and organizational theorists, and yet… real alignment remains frustratingly rare.
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The Advantage:
…leaders underestimate the impact of even subtle misalignment at the top, and the damage caused to the rest of the organization by small gaps…
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The Advantage:
…there is no way employees can be empowered to fully execute their responsibilities if they don’t receive clear and consistent messages…
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The Advantage:
There is probably no greater frustration for employees than having to constantly navigate the politics and confusion caused by leaders who are misaligned.
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