Book Titles

The Heart of Change
Real-Life Stories of How People Change Their Organizations

By John Kotter

Year Published: 2012
ISBN-13: 978-1422187333
Categories: Change

66 Quotes Found

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The Heart of Change:

With a sense of urgency, an emotional commitment to others on the guiding team, and a deep belief in the vision, change leaders will make personal sacrifices.


The Heart of Change:

…people love honesty. It makes them feel safer. They often love honesty even when the message is not necessarily what they would most like to hear.


The Heart of Change:

In cases of highly successful change, people begin by confronting the issue.


The Heart of Change:

Evaluation and rewards can disempower when they are at odds with the direction of needed change.


The Heart of Change:

…the addition of bonuses and raises does not necessarily motivate a change in behavior, nor does it necessarily convince people that the downside of failure will go unpunished by the system.


The Heart of Change:

Never underestimate the power of the mind to disempower.


The Heart of Change:

Never underestimate the power of clever people to help others see the possibilities, to help them generate a feeling of faith, and to change behavior.


The Heart of Change:

Without conviction that you can make change happen, you will not act, even if you see the vision. Your feelings will hold you back.


The Heart of Change:

People successfully empower others when they understand the idea… because they correctly see what the key obstacles are and what is keeping them in place.


The Heart of Change:

In successful change efforts, an empowered group of people are very selective in how they spend their time.