Book Titles

The Heart of Change
Real-Life Stories of How People Change Their Organizations

By John Kotter

Year Published: 2012
ISBN-13: 978-1422187333
Categories: Change

66 Quotes Found

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The Heart of Change:

Focus means more is achieved quickly. Quick achievements provide so much: a feeling of accomplishment, a sense of optimism.


The Heart of Change:

Not all wins are equal. In general, the more visible victories are, the more they help the change process.


The Heart of Change:

In choosing well what to target first, you must satisfy the most basic criteria: achieving visible, meaningful, and unambiguous progress quickly.


The Heart of Change:

Honest always trumps propaganda. And honesty starts with being truthful with ourselves.


The Heart of Change:

It’s easy to declare victory too soon and become complacent yourself. This happens all the time. These traps are inherent in the very nature of large-scale change.


The Heart of Change:

…structure situations so that people can take risks to deal with difficult bureaucratic and political problems without having to put their lives on the line.


The Heart of Change:

Somewhere in the waves of change, you will have to attack the sturdy silos and difficult politics or you won’t create a twenty-first-century organization.


The Heart of Change:

In successful transformations the answer is, at one level, very simple: when you have too much work, jettison some.


The Heart of Change:

Everyone engaged in a big effort to change… should probably have a banner… that says ‘Dying will not help.’


The Heart of Change:

People are not machines. We need more than maintenance. We need the rejuvenation that comes from sleep, relaxation, and fun of the job.