Book Titles

The Heart of Change
Real-Life Stories of How People Change Their Organizations

By John Kotter

Year Published: 2012
ISBN-13: 978-1422187333
Categories: Change

66 Quotes Found

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The Heart of Change:

Trying to shift the norms and values before you have created the new way of operating does not work.


The Heart of Change:

Once you see what works, once you have an optimistic sense that you can help create better organizations, it’s amazing what can happen.


The Heart of Change:

The single biggest challenge in the process is changing people’s behavior.


The Heart of Change:

The emotions that undermine change include anger, false pride, pessimism, arrogance, cynicism, panic, exhaustion, insecurity, and anxiety.


The Heart of Change:

In a turbulent world, the requirement for change is ongoing.


The Heart of Change:

Create Short-term Wins.