Book Titles

The Heart of Change
Real-Life Stories of How People Change Their Organizations

By John Kotter

Year Published: 2012
ISBN-13: 978-1422187333
Categories: Change

66 Quotes Found

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The Heart of Change:

Strategic plans motivate few people, but a compelling vision can appeal to the heart and motivate anyone.


The Heart of Change:

Without vision, and without everyone having the same vision, running into obstacles and tripping over one another is inevitable.


The Heart of Change:

In an accelerating world, change visions are becoming bolder by necessity.


The Heart of Change:

So if you don’t act quickly, organizational inertia will overcome you. – Ron Marshall


The Heart of Change:

…we should always remember that in a twenty-first-century world, the pace of external change is only going to increase.


The Heart of Change:

The direction of change is widely communicated, and communicated for both understanding and gut-level buy-in. The goal: to get as many people as possible acting to make the vision a reality.


The Heart of Change:

…most people will be nervous, even if they feel a sense of urgency to do something, even if they think the change drivers are okay, even if the vision is sensible.


The Heart of Change:

With clogged channels, even if someone is emotionally predisposed to want to understand a change vision, the information can become lost in the immense clutter.


The Heart of Change:

People in change-successful enterprises do a much better job than most in eliminating the destructive gap between words and deeds.


The Heart of Change:

…matching words and deeds is usually tough, even for a dedicated guiding team.