Book Titles

Primal Leadership
Unleashing the Power of Emotional Intelligence

By Annie McKee, Daniel Goleman, Richard Boyatzis

Year Published: 2016
ISBN-13: 978-1633692909
Categories: Emotional Intelligence, Leadership, Management

84 Quotes Found

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Primal Leadership:

…groups comprising brilliant individuals will make bad decisions if the group disintegrates into bickering, interpersonal rivalry, or power plays.


Primal Leadership:

…groups are smarter than individuals only when they exhibit the qualities of emotional intelligence.


Primal Leadership:

…the norms of a group help to determine whether it functions as a high-performing team or becomes a loose collection of people working together.


Primal Leadership:

Leaders who have a keen sense of the group’s pivotal norms… can create highly emotionally intelligent teams.


Primal Leadership:

…members of a self-aware team are attuned to the emotional undercurrents of individuals and the group as a whole.


Primal Leadership:

In self-aware, self-managing teams, members themselves will step up to the plate to instill and reinforce resonant norms and to hold one another accountable…


Primal Leadership:

If the cultural norms don’t support passionate action, innovation, or resonance, leaders will find themselves fighting an uphill battle.


Primal Leadership:

…when people have authentic conversations about how they feel about their organization, there tends to be a very high level of agreement about what’s working and what’s not.


Primal Leadership:

…that almost tribal sense of belonging to a special group, of inhabiting a unique world together, characterizes places people love to work.


Primal Leadership:

The degree of an organization’s ‘tribal feel’ can be a good indication of how well it has identified its ideal vision and aligned people around that common purpose.