Flawless Consulting:
People will resist change that is inflicted on them, no matter how compelling the case.
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Flawless Consulting:
The value of the whole-system approach is that it engages entire units to self-assess their current reality and plan how to improve it.
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Flawless Consulting:
If we can create enough trust and are willing to be honest with each other, every unit has within itself the capacity to make needed changes.
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Flawless Consulting:
Rights of citizenship are earned by the choice to participate.
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Flawless Consulting:
Technical solutions fare poorly where improvement is dependent on a change in culture, traditional norms, or a shift in people’s habits.
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Flawless Consulting:
…influence is born of a partnership rather than parenting orientation to the world.
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Flawless Consulting:
The motivation to proceed should be based on the desire to make improvement in the organization, not just the desire to do research.
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Flawless Consulting:
Having an impact as a consultant is to pay attention to more than your methodology or field of expertise.
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Flawless Consulting:
If you want to be of unique value to your client, then you have to take the risk of offering unique information.
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Flawless Consulting:
Accurate information about how the organization is functioning is not available to most managers.
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