Flawless Consulting:
Fear of the unknown is a major cause of resistance simply because the unknown is uncertain and unpredictable.
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Flawless Consulting:
The more aggressive the client is, the more intense are the concerns and the more the client needs support.
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Flawless Consulting:
Behind the resistance are certain feelings, and you cannot talk people out of how they are feeling.
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Flawless Consulting:
If you fight the resistance and feel you have to conquer it, all you will do is intensify the resistance.
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Flawless Consulting:
This is the way to deal with resistance: encourage full expression of the concerns so that they pass.
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Flawless Consulting:
Trust what you see more than what you hear.
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Flawless Consulting:
When a discussion is confronting real issues directly, it is never boring or irritating.
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Flawless Consulting:
A client’s behavior is not a reflection on you.
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Flawless Consulting:
Defenses and resistance are a sign that you have touched something important and valuable.
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Flawless Consulting:
…the goal of discovery is not to be right but to be effective and powerful.
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