Flawless Consulting:
Computer technology… is not a substitute for relatedness, authenticity, meaning, or being of service in the world. It may not even be helpful.
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Flawless Consulting:
Resistance then is not only predictable and natural; it is a necessary part of the learning process.
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Flawless Consulting:
Silence never means consent.
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Flawless Consulting:
The main thing to do in coping successfully with resistance is to not take it personally.
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Flawless Consulting:
Maintaining control is at the center of the value system of most organizations.
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Flawless Consulting:
When we get resistance, one good guess is that the manager feels he or she is going to lose control.
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Flawless Consulting:
Politics is the exercise of power. Organizations operate like political systems, except there is no voting.
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Flawless Consulting:
Although sometimes consultants and clients may act like adversaries, their feelings and concerns are frequently complimentary.
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Flawless Consulting:
The process of dealing with resistance helps the client move from a position of helplessness, alienation, and confusion to one of choice, engagement, and clarity.
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Flawless Consulting:
…resistance is an emotional process, not a rational or intellectual one.
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