Book Titles

Seductive Interaction Design
Creating Playful, Fun, and Effective User Experiences

By Stephen Anderson

Year Published: 2011
ISBN-13: 978-0321725523
Categories: Delight, Design, Interaction

86 Quotes Found

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Seductive Interaction Design:

We’re more tolerant of problems in things that we find attractive.


Seductive Interaction Design:

…when we’re relaxed, our brains are more flexible and more likely to find workarounds for difficult problems.


Seductive Interaction Design:

Recent studies of emotions are finding that we can’t actually separate cognition from affect.


Seductive Interaction Design:

…how we think cannot be separated from how we feel. At all times, we are evaluating (affect) and interpreting (cognition) the world around us.


Seductive Interaction Design:

We’re not as in charge of our decisions as we’d like to believe.


Seductive Interaction Design:

…we ignore the evidence that beauty is much more than decoration. Our brains can’t help but agree.


Seductive Interaction Design:

…while there are certainly plenty of patterns and conventions we can fall back on, every project presents new and unique challenges.


Seductive Interaction Design:

Aesthetics are but one aspect of the overall user experience. But they should be taken as seriously as reliability, uptime, or speed.


Seductive Interaction Design:

…think of aesthetics as a key ingredient in a recipe, as opposed to the icing on the cake.


Seductive Interaction Design:

…we make cognitive as well as emotional associations with just about everything processed by our brain.