Book Titles

Seductive Interaction Design
Creating Playful, Fun, and Effective User Experiences

By Stephen Anderson

Year Published: 2011
ISBN-13: 978-0321725523
Categories: Delight, Design, Interaction

86 Quotes Found

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Seductive Interaction Design:

A hallmark of a great company is that everyone knows the reason for their company’s existence.


Seductive Interaction Design:

…the products we love have a clear sense of purpose.


Seductive Interaction Design:

When you have an identity, you know who you are and who you are not. You know what you stand for.


Seductive Interaction Design:

It’s natural to make decisions based on what other people are doing. We are incredibly social creatures.


Seductive Interaction Design:

Seduction isn’t about deception or well-crafted manipulation – it’s about giving someone more of what they already want, desire, or need, even when they don’t know it yet.


Seductive Interaction Design:

If we can start with an understanding of what kinds of things excite and attract, keep us engaged, and win our hearts and minds… we can create many more delightful, seductive experiences.