
13142 Quotes Found

The Enthusiastic Employee, Page 306

…quality is associated with traits that workers value – traits that are distinctly human, such as craftsmanship, dedication, and judgment.

Thanks for the Feedback, Page 306

Even if it’s done in the execution of your role, it feels terrible to hurt or upset others, and we quite reasonably try to avoid it when we can.

Mistakes Were Made (but not by me), Page 307

Understanding how dissonance operates helps us rethink our own muddles, and it’s also a useful skill for helping friends and relatives get out of theirs.

Thanks for the Feedback, Page 307

As you think about whether and how to give feedback, make sure to factor in the long-term consequences for the receiver as well as your own short-term identity discomfort.

Thanks for the Feedback, Page 308

People who have impossibly high standards for themselves can also hold impossibly high standards for others, resulting in a steady stream of coaching and negative evaluation, and a conspicuous silence around appreciation.

Flawless Consulting, Page 308

The door to new ways of thinking doe snot open easily, and it is the tension in the room that actually becomes the key.

Mistakes Were Made (but not by me), Page 308

So embedded is the link between mistakes and stupidity in American culture that it can be shocking to learn that not all cultures share it.

The Enthusiastic Employee, Page 308

When a worker has a skill that is both important and unique or unusual in the workplace, it is a source of great joy.

The Enthusiastic Employee, Page 308

…receiving training – continual training – ranked at or near the top in every country in what employees say they want from their job.

The Enthusiastic Employee, Page 309

In addition to performing well and having their skills used, employees want to feel that what they do makes a difference, especially to their organization and to the organization’s customers.