
13142 Quotes Found

Thanks for the Feedback, Page 309

…while learning is a shared responsibility, in the end, it comes down to you.

Mistakes Were Made (but not by me), Page 309

Making mistakes is central to the education of budding scientists and artists of all kinds; they must have the freedom to experiment, try this idea, flop, try another idea, take a risk, be willing to get the wrong answer.

Mistakes Were Made (but not by me), Page 309

The focus on constant testing, which grew out of the reasonable desire to measure and standardize children’s accomplishments, has intensified their fear of failure.

Mistakes Were Made (but not by me), Page 310

It is certainly important for children to learn to succeed, but it is just as important for them to learn not to fear failure. When children or adults fear failure, they fear risk. They can’t afford to be wrong.

Mistakes Were Made (but not by me), Page 310

It is a lesson for all ages: the importance of seeing mistakes not as personal failings to be denied or justified but as inevitable aspects of life that help us improve our work, make better decisions, grow, and grow up.

Influence, Page 310

The tactic of starting with a little request in order to gain eventual compliance with related larger requests has a name: the foot-in-the-door technique.

The Messy Middle, Page 310

The nonscalable artistic elements of a product keep it from becoming a bland commodity.

Management, Page 310

The things a person cannot do are of little importance; instead, you must concentrate on the things they can do and determine whether they are the right strengths for this particular assignment.

Management, Page 311

If you fail to accept [the] responsibility of making sure that the appointee understands his or her new job, do not blame the new person if he or she ultimately fails. Blame yourself, for you have failed to do your duty as a manager.

The Enthusiastic Employee, Page 311

…a sense of accomplishment means completing something, doing a job from beginning to end so that a worker can see the fruits of her labor.