
13142 Quotes Found

Inspired, Page 301

…a group setting is not the forum for designing strong products. It results in design by committee, which yields mediocre results at best.

Inspired, Page 301

…most organizations become worse in their ability to deliver consistent innovation as they grow, yet most people attribute this to staff quality, process, and communication issues of scale.

Management, Page 302

…unless one has considered alternatives, one has a closed mind.

Management, Page 302

The first rule in decision making is that one does not make a decision unless there is disagreement.

Flawless Consulting, Page 302

…we need to build elements of surprise, discovery, and not knowing into our interaction with clients.

Flawless Consulting, Page 302

If learning and change are truly our intent, a slower, more demanding, and more deliberative approach is required.

The Enthusiastic Employee, Page 302

…healthy turnover [occurs] because people should not stay in jobs they dislike, and organizations should not want them to stay.

The Messy Middle, Page 303

When presented with a statistic that has broad implications, your first question should be about its integrity. Where did it come from?

Flawless Consulting, Page 303

Most persistent problems that call for consultation have no clear right answer.

Influence, Page 303

Once a stand is taken, there is a natural tendency to behave in ways that are stubbornly aligned with the stand.