…sketch[ing]… is the fastest and easiest way to transform abstract ideas into concrete solutions.
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…the pressure of responsibility that comes with working alone often spurs us to our best work.
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When each person sketches alone, he or she will have time for deep thought.
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…choosing the right words is critical in every medium. So pay extra close attention to the writing in your sketch.
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Make sure potential interview candidates match your screening criteria. With only five interviews, it’s important to talk to the right people.
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Talking out loud is risky. Humans are social animals, and when our natural impulses to discuss and debate take over, time disappears.
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It’s almost always a good idea to present your solution alongside the competition.
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Decisions take willpower, and you only have so much to spend each day. You can think of willpower like a battery that starts the morning charged but loses a sip with every decision.
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Remember that most ideas sound better in the abstract, so they may not be that good.
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…the biggest problem is that the longer you spend working on something… the more attached you’ll become, and the less likely you’ll be to take negative test results to heart.
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