Remember, the whiteboard is the shared brain of the team. Keep it organized and you’ll help everyone be smarter, remember more, and make better decisions, faster.
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Slow decisions sap energy and threaten the timeline… Don’t let the group dissolve into unproductive debates that aren’t moving you toward a decision.
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We all want a flash of divine inspiration that changes the world… We want to create something completely new. But amazing ideas don’t happen like that.
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…great innovation is built on existing ideas, repurposed with vision.
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Time and time again, the ideas that spark the best solutions come from similar problems in different environments.
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Sometimes, the best way to broaden your search is to look inside your own organization.
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…you and your team should look far afield and close to home in your search for existing solutions. If you do, you’re sure to uncover surprising and useful ideas.
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…paper. It’s a great equalizer. Everyone can write words, draw boxes, and express his or her ideas with the same clarity.
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If you can’t draw (or rather, if you think you can’t draw), don’t freak out. Plenty of people worry about putting pen to paper, but anybody… can sketch a great solution.
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…when you test your prototype… it will be the quality of the solutions that matter, not the artistry of the drawings from which they come.
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