Give and Take:
Regardless of their reciprocity styles, people love to be asked for advice. Giving advice makes takers feel important, and it makes givers feel helpful.
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Give and Take:
…here’s the catch: advice seeking only works if it’s genuine.
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Give and Take:
…powerless communication… works for givers because they establish a sincere intent to act in the best interests of others.
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Give and Take:
Success involves more than just capitalizing on the strengths of giving; it also…
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Give and Take:
Successful givers, it turns out, are just as ambitious as takers and matchers.
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Give and Take:
Selfless giving is a form of pathological altruism… such that in the process of trying to help others… givers end up harming themselves.
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Give and Take:
…self-interest and other-interest are completely independent motivations: you can have both of them at the same time.
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Give and Take:
Selfless giving, in the absence of self-preservation instincts, easily becomes overwhelming.
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Give and Take:
…when concern for others is couples with a healthy dose of concern for the self, givers are less prone to burning out and getting burned…
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Give and Take:
Exhausted employees struggle to focus their attention and lack the energy to work their hardest, longest, and smartest, so the quality and quantity of their work takes a nosedive.
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