Give and Take:
By asking people questions about their plans and intentions, we increase the likelihood that they actually act on these plans and intentions.
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Give and Take:
…when people have to work closely together, such as in teams… powerless speech is actually more influential than powerful speech.
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Give and Take:
By speaking with greater speed, volume, assertiveness, and certainty, takers convince us that they know what they’re talking about.
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Speaking dominantly convinces group members that takers are powerful, but it stifles information sharing, preventing members from communicating good ideas.
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Give and Take:
New research shows that advice seeking is a surprisingly effective strategy for exercising influence when we lack authority.
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Give and Take:
When we ask others for advice, we’re posing a question that conveys uncertainty and makes us vulnerable.
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Give and Take:
…research shows that people who regularly seek advice and help from knowledgeable colleagues are actually rated more favorably by supervisors…
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Give and Take:
When we ask for advice, in order to give us a recommendation, advisers have to look at the problem or dilemma from our point of view.
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Give and Take:
Seeking advice is a subtle way to invite someone to make a commitment to us.
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Give and Take:
When we give our time, energy, knowledge, or resources to help others, we strive to maintain a belief that they’re worthy and deserving of our help.
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