Book Titles

Give and Take
A Revolutionary Approach to Success

By Adam Grant

Year Published: 2013
ISBN-13: 978-0-670-02655-5
Categories: Giving, Leadership, Success

141 Quotes Found

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Give and Take:

Exhausted employees struggle to focus their attention and lack the energy to work their hardest, longest, and smartest, so the quality and quantity of their work takes a nosedive.


Give and Take:

…evidence reveals that burned-out employees are at heightened risk of depression, physical fatigue, sleep disruptions, impaired immune systems, alcohol abuse, and even cardiovascular disease.


Give and Take:

Along with reducing burnout among givers, a firsthand connection to impact can tilt people of all reciprocity styles in the giver direction.


Give and Take:

Having a greater impact is one of the reasons why, counterintuitive as it might seem, giving more can actually help givers avoid burnout.


Give and Take:

…the 100-hour rule of volunteering… appears to be the range where giving is maximally energizing and minimally draining.


Give and Take:

One hundred seems to be a magic number when it comes to giving.


Give and Take:

Otherish givers build up a support network that they can access for help when they need it.


Give and Take:

This is otherish giving: you get to choose who you help, and it benefits you by improving your mood. Economists call it the warm glow of giving, and psychologists call it the helper’s high.


Give and Take:

Happiness can lead people to experience intense effort and long hours as less unpleasant and more enjoyable, set more challenging goals, and think more quickly, flexibly, and broadly about problems.


Give and Take:

…on average, happier people earn more money, get higher performance ratings, make better decisions, negotiate sweeter deals, and contribute more to their organizations.