Book Titles

Give and Take
A Revolutionary Approach to Success

By Adam Grant

Year Published: 2013
ISBN-13: 978-0-670-02655-5
Categories: Giving, Leadership, Success

141 Quotes Found

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Give and Take:

…interest is what drives people to invest their time and energy in developing particular skills and bases of knowledge.


Give and Take:

It turns out that motivation is the reason that people develop talent in the first place.


Give and Take:

In roles as leaders and mentors, givers resist the temptation to search for talent first. By recognizing that anyone can be a bloomer, givers focus their attention on motivation.


Give and Take:

…grit is a major factor that predicts how close [candidates] get to achieving their potential.


Give and Take:

It turns out that givers are the least vulnerable to the mistake of overinvesting in people…


Give and Take:

…once people make an initial investment of time, energy, or resources, when it goes sour, they’re at risk for increasing their investment.


Give and Take:

When an investment doesn’t pay off, even if the expected value is negative, we invest more.


Give and Take:

In response to ego threat, people invest more, hoping to turn the project into a success so they can prove to others – and themselves – that they were right all along.


Give and Take:

Research suggests that due to their susceptibility to ego threat, takers are more vulnerable to escalation of commitment than givers.


Give and Take:

…studies show that people actually make more accurate and creative decisions when they’re choosing on behalf of others than themselves.