Book Titles

Give and Take
A Revolutionary Approach to Success

By Adam Grant

Year Published: 2013
ISBN-13: 978-0-670-02655-5
Categories: Giving, Leadership, Success

141 Quotes Found

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Give and Take:

Professional relationships disintegrate when entrepreneurs, inventors, investors, and executives feel…


Give and Take:

If you’re a taker, your driving motivation is to make sure you get more than you give, which means you…


Give and Take:

…a perspective gap: when we’re not experiencing a psychologically or physically intense state, we…


Give and Take:

…in creative work, givers are motivated to benefit others, so they find ways to put themselves in other…


Give and Take:

…successful givers shift their frames of reference to the recipient’s perspective. For most people, this…


Give and Take:

To effectively help colleagues, people need to step outside their own frames of reference.


Give and Take:

…the ability to imagine other people’s perspectives, rather than getting stuck in our own perspectives,…


Give and Take:

Spotting and cultivating talent are essential skills in just about every industry; it’s difficult to overstate the value of surrounding ourselves with stars.


Give and Take:

Many experiments… show that teacher expectations are especially important for improving the grades and intelligence test scores of low-achieving students…


Give and Take:

…see[ing] potential where others don’t… set[s] in motion a series of self-fulfilling prophecies.