Give and Take:
As takers gain power, they pay less attention to how they’re perceived by those below and next to them; they feel entitled to pursue self-serving goals and claim as much value as they can.
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Give and Take:
Research shows that as people gain power, they feel large and in charge: less constrained and freer to express their natural tendencies.
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Give and Take:
Now, it’s much harder for takers to get away with being fakers, fooling people into thinking they’re givers.
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Give and Take:
When your relationships and reputations are visible to the world, it’s harder to achieve sustainable success as a taker.
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When favors come with strings attached or implied, the interaction can leave a bad taste, feeling more like a transaction than part of a meaningful relationship.
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Give and Take:
…we can’t always predict who can help us.
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…weak ties serve as bridges: they provide more efficient access to new information.
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Give and Take:
Dormant ties offer the access to novel information that weak ties afford, but without the discomfort.
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Give and Take:
…the older we get, the more dormant ties we have, and the more valuable they become.
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Give and Take:
Dormant ties are the neglected value in our networks, and givers have a distinctive edge over takers and matchers in unlocking this value.
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