When facing changing, turbulent, or novel times – calling for novel solutions – multiple heads can be better than one.
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Teachers learn more than students, mentors more than mentees, and trainers more [than] trainees…
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Since you can’t know everything, it’s essential that you find people who can make up for your blind spots.
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When problems call for creativity and multiple views, place people in teams.
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Since you’re on the wrong side of your eyeballs, you can’t always see exactly what it is that you’re doing that works or doesn’t work.
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In an interdependent, turbulent world, our biggest opponents – the mortal enemy of all families, companies, and communities – may well be our inability to work in concert.
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…most leaders run the risk of relying too much on incentives rather than too little.
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In a well-balanced change effort, rewards come third. Influencers first ensure that vital behaviors connect to intrinsic satisfaction. Next, they line up social support.
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…rewarding people for engaging in an activity that is already satisfying may work against you.
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…all incentives that are immediately linked to vital behaviors can yield amazing results with some of the world’s most difficult problems.
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