In the moment, we often believe that our emotions will not subside until they’re satisfied. This turns out not to be true.
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No source of influence is more powerful and accessible than the persuasive power of the people who make up our social networks. None.
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To harness the immense power of social support, sometimes all you need to do is to find – or better yet, be – the one respected individual who flies in the face of what everyone else has done…
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…the living examples of other humans’ behaviors will exert power only to the extent that the person who is modeling the vital behaviors is truly respected.
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The first place to look for social influence is in the mirror.
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When you invite people to change, they begin to scan you for evidence of credibility.
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All behaviors are ambiguous. People will interpret them as they see fit.
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…in order to encourage [people] to change, you have to trust them to change, you have to generate clear, unambiguous evidence that they can believe you.
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When you ask people to make changes that can be disruptive, difficult, and even frightening, they aren’t likely to embrace your call to action.
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If you want to increase your influence with those you hope to help change… you’re going to have to make some sacrifices.
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