The most powerful way to help people recognize, feel, and believe in the long-term implications of their choices is to get out of their way and let them experience them firsthand.
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…the gold standard for tactics for engaging personal motivation is direct experience. Let people feel, see, and touch things for themselves.
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Getting people to create their own direct experience is a powerful way to help them connect to genuine human consequences and ultimately find more significance in vital behaviors.
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…when it comes to change, humans tend to overvalue what they’re losing while undervaluing what they gain.
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…when you try to convince others simply with words, they may not trust you, so they won’t follow your advice.
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…when used in combination with other influence methods, storytelling can be a powerful tool in anyone’s influence repertoire.
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Much of what we do to transform intrinsically unpleasant behavior into something enjoyable is merely turning it into a game.
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We often don’t act in our long-term best interest because the short-term actions we currently enjoy are far more motivating than the remote and distant likelihood of suffering in the future.
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…people who climb to the top of just about any field eclipse their peers through something as basic as deliberate practice.
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…there is little evidence that people who achieve exceptional performance ever get there through any means other than carefully guided practice – perfect practice.
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