Quiet Leadership:
…when people have an insight, it’s important to get them to act on their ideas quickly, as the energy for action fades fast.
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Quiet Leadership:
…when you have a position of power and establish permission anyway, it can have a big positive impact on work relationships.
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Quiet Leadership:
Placement is about anchoring any conversation: defining exactly where you are and what’s about to happen next…
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Quiet Leadership:
…the answer to people’s dilemmas is almost never related directly to what is first put forward as the central problem.
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Quiet Leadership:
…until we help people make more connections, our advice will be off the mark most of the time.
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Quiet Leadership:
Quiet Leaders give less advice than almost anyone else on the planet.
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Quiet Leadership:
There are big upsides to not having to have the answers all the time… over time people will stop coming to you for answers and learn to think better for themselves.
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Quiet Leadership:
Quiet Leaders don’t rush people into action. They focus on allowing people’s thinking to take its natural course.
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Quiet Leadership:
Thinking questions ask more about the nature of people’s thinking, in ways that have them become more self-aware and take more responsibility.
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Quiet Leadership:
The more you can stay above the detail, problem, and drama, the quicker people will find solutions.
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