Book Titles

Measure What Matters
How Google, Bono, and the Gates Foundation Rock the World with OKRs

By John Doerr

Year Published: 2018
ISBN-13: 978-0525536222
Categories: Measurement, Success

75 Quotes Found

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Measure What Matters:

To inspire true commitment, leaders must practice what they teach. They must model the behavior they expect of others.


Measure What Matters:

Research shows that public goals are more likely to be attained than goals held in private. Simply flipping the switch to ‘open’ lifts achievement across the board.


Measure What Matters:

A lack of alignment, according to a poll of global CEOs, is the number-one obstacle between strategy and execution.


Measure What Matters:

According to the Harvard Business Review, companies with highly aligned employees are more than twice as likely to be top performers.


Measure What Matters:

To avoid compulsive, soul-killing overalignment, healthy organizations encourage some goals to emerge from the bottom up.


Measure What Matters:

Innovation tends to dwell less at the center of an organization than at its edges.


Measure What Matters:

Micromanagement is mismanagement.


Measure What Matters:

A healthy OKR environment strikes a balance between alignment and autonomy, common purpose and creative latitude.


Measure What Matters:

In business… there is rarely a single right answer. By loosening the reins and backing people to find their right answers, we help everybody win.


Measure What Matters:

The cure [to dependencies] is lateral, cross-functional connectivity, peer-to-peer and team-to-team.