Book Titles

Measure What Matters
How Google, Bono, and the Gates Foundation Rock the World with OKRs

By John Doerr

Year Published: 2018
ISBN-13: 978-0525536222
Categories: Measurement, Success

75 Quotes Found

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Measure What Matters:

…people need more than milestones for motivation. They are thirsting for meaning, to understand how their goals relate to the mission.


Measure What Matters:

To make reliable progress… a manager must be able to measure… performance and results against the goal. – Peter Drucker


Measure What Matters:

Clear-cut time frames intensify our focus and commitment: nothing moves us forward like a deadline.


Measure What Matters:

To win in the global marketplace, organizations need to be more nimble than ever before.


Measure What Matters:

For individuals… selective goal setting is the first line of defense against getting overextended.


Measure What Matters:

Success in college is a matter of time management.


Measure What Matters:

…the three watchwords for entrepreneurs: 1) Solve a problem, 2) Build a simple product, 3) Talk to your users.


Measure What Matters:

…you can only do one big thing at a time really well, and so you better know what that one thing is.


Measure What Matters:

…they need to see it’s okay to make a mistake, to correct it and move on. You can’t fear screwing up. That squelches innovation.


Measure What Matters:

You need to build your goal muscles gradually, incrementally… Doing too much too soon will definitely end in pain.