…[knowledge workers] have moved several steps beyond traditional workers, who used to expect to be told what to do… Knowledge workers, in contrast, expect to make the decisions in their own area.
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…top management in the next society’s corporation will [need to] balance the three dimensions of the corporation: as an economic organization, as a human organization, and as increasingly important social organization.
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…the need for a secure retirement income will increasingly focus people’s minds on the future value of the investment. Corporations… have to pay attention to both their short-term business results and their long-term-performance, as providers of retirement benefits.
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…now that knowledge workers are becoming the key employees, a company also needs to be a desirable employer to be successful.
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To survive and succeed, every organization will have to turn itself into a change agent. The most effective way to manage chance successfully is to create it.
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…grafting innovation onto a traditional enterprise does not work. The enterprise has to become a change agent.
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The point of becoming a change agent is that it changes the mindset of the entire organization. Instead of seeing change as a threat, its people will come to consider it as an opportunity.
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…the main effects of the information revolution on the next society still lie ahead.
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…there is no such thing as the one right organization. There are only organizations, each of which has distinct strengths, distinct limitations, and specific applications.
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Organization is not an absolute. It is a tool for making people productive in working together.
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