Every enterprise requires commitment to common goals and shared values. Without such commitment, there is no enterprise. There is only a mob.
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Every enterprise is a learning and teaching institution. Training and development must be built into it on all levels – training and development that never stop.
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Performance has to be built into the enterprise and its management; it has to be measured – or at least judged – and it has to be continuously improved.
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…management will increasingly be the discipline and the practice through and in which the ‘humanities’ will again acquire recognition, impact, and relevance.
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…only business has economic performance as its specific mission. It is the definition of a business that it exists for the sake of economic performance.
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Business management must always, in every decision and action, put economic performance first. It can justify its existence and its authority only by the economic results it produces.
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A business management has failed if it fails to produce economic results. It has failed if it does not supply goods and services desired by the consumer at a price the consumer is willing to pay.
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Management is not just a creature of the economy; it is a creator as well. And only the ethe extent to which it masters the economic circumstances, and alters them by consciously directed action, does it really manage.
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To manage a business means, therefore, to manage by objectives.
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Business enterprise (or any other institution) has only one true resource: people. It performs by making human resources productive.
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