Book Titles

Good Boss, Bad Boss
How to Be the Best… and Learn from the Worst

By Robert Sutton

Year Published: 2010
ISBN-13: 978-0446556088
Categories: Being a Boss, Leadership, Management

167 Quotes Found

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Good Boss, Bad Boss:

Research… suggests that when a downturn hits, companies that use layoffs last and least recover more quickly and hold a competitive advantage when good times return.


Good Boss, Bad Boss:

…researchers concluded that although widely used, this ‘binge and purge’ approach is a bad way to control labor costs.


Good Boss, Bad Boss:

When… it is difficult or impossible to punish employee misdeeds or remove poor performers, imaginative bosses sometimes still find ways to persuade people to change their destructive behavior.


Good Boss, Bad Boss:

Research on employee theft shows that ridicule, ostracism, and nasty gossip by peers is 250 percent more effective for deterring stealing than forms of punishment by supervisors.


Good Boss, Bad Boss:

…trying something creative rather than punitive may be the most promising path – no matter how much the perpetrators may deserve to be punished and sent packing.


Good Boss, Bad Boss:

All bosses can be more effective when they work with, rather than against, the peer culture. Bosses who are known as fair and consistent will get more support from the peer culture when they do their dirty work.


Good Boss, Bad Boss:

If you, as the boss, believe that you are doing splendid dirty work, stop patting yourself on the back and figure out if you are deluding yourself. Just because you see yourself as fair and humane, does not mean your people see it that way.


Good Boss, Bad Boss:

As a boss, you can’t always know (let alone control) how other people react to you.


Good Boss, Bad Boss:

Research on everything from negotiation, to revenge, to company integrity reveals that when people believe they are dealing with a liar… they get angry, retaliate… and lose faith in otherwise competent bosses and colleagues.


Good Boss, Bad Boss:

…although there is a time for open communication of facts, destructive rumors (and facts) can fly and people can be damaged by bosses who can’t keep their big mouths shut.