
14294 Quotes Found

Leading the Unleadable, Page

…exceptional managers know that with great aspirations can come great difficulties.

A World Without Email, Page

…context switches, even if brief, introduce a heavy cost in terms of mental energy – reducing cognitive performance and creating a sense of exhaustion…

Off Balance, Page

People want to live deeply satisfying lives both personally and professionally.

On Becoming a Leader, Page

…leaders who want their organizations to succeed will once again have to reward, even cosset, those employees who have the best ideas.

Radical Candor, Page

…no matter how supportive the environment, bosses often feel alone.

A World Without Email, Page

…this constant state of unease is a low-grade background hum of anxiety that many inbox-bound knowledge workers have come to assume is unavoidable…

Quiet Leadership, Page

People don’t need to be managed, they need to be unleashed. – Richard Florida

Radical Candor, Page

Being a boss is hard for everyone, no matter how successful they appear on the outside.

A World Without Email, Page

Our belief that frenetic communication is somehow synonymous with work is largely a backfilled narrative we tell ourselves to make sense of sudden changes…

Quiet Leadership, Page

The new generations… need leaders who help them shine, who help them fulfill their potential at work. Leaders who improve their thinking. xxi