The Lean Startup:
We need to be able to test the data by hand, in the messy real world, by talking to customers.
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The Lean Startup:
Whenever possible, reports should be drawn directly from the master data, rather than from an intermediate system, which reduces opportunities for error.
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The Lean Startup:
Only 5 percent of entrepreneurship is the big idea… The other 95 percent is the gritty work that is measured by innovation accounting…
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The Lean Startup:
…a pivot: a structured course correction designed to test a new fundamental hypothesis about the product, strategy, and engine of growth.
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The Lean Startup:
There is no way to remove the human element – vision, intuition, judgment – from the practice of entrepreneurship, nor would that be desirable.
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The Lean Startup:
Companies that cannot bring themselves to pivot to a new direction on the basis of feedback from the marketplace can get stuck in the land of the living dead…
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The Lean Startup:
…successful pivots put us on a path toward growing a sustainable business.
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The Lean Startup:
The more money, time, and creative energy that has been sunk into an idea, the harder it is to pivot.
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The Lean Startup:
…the difficult challenge of deciding whether to pivot or persevere. This is one of the hardest decisions entrepreneurs face.
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The Lean Startup:
…the goal of creating learning milestones is not to make the decision easy; it is to make sure that there is relevant data in the room when it comes time to decide.
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