Book Titles

Tiny Habits
The Small Changes that Change Everything

By BJ Fogg

Year Published: 2020
ISBN-13: 978-0-358-00332-8
Categories: Change, Growth, Habits

126 Quotes Found

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Tiny Habits:

The habits and norms that exist in any group can feel even more entrenched than individual habits. But it’s important to remember that we can change together.


Tiny Habits:

Design for your future deliberately and efficiently so things change for the better in every part of your life.


Tiny Habits:

…members of households can undermine you as well as support your aspirations.


Tiny Habits:

Remember this truth: Change leads to change. You start people on the path to change from the place they want to begin.


Tiny Habits:

…we have to understand that we are influencing the behavior of others all the time, without realizing it – that’s the nature of living in communities…


Tiny Habits:

…if you challenge people to do something very difficult, they will probably fail, and this failure makes change harder in the future.


Tiny Habits:

…getting someone started on a healthy habit – no matter how tiny – is a big deal.


Tiny Habits:

Feedback from authority figures is powerful, and approval from authority figures can open the door to transformation.


Tiny Habits:

If you can give feedback at the right moment to help people feel successful, you can create a habit of the good behavior.


Tiny Habits:

There is no more powerful praise than what comes from someone we admire and trust. And for some people, that person is you.