Book Titles

Tiny Habits
The Small Changes that Change Everything

By BJ Fogg

Year Published: 2020
ISBN-13: 978-0-358-00332-8
Categories: Change, Growth, Habits

126 Quotes Found

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Tiny Habits:

It’s time to set the record straight and acknowledge that bad habits are not fundamentally different from good habits when it comes to basic components.


Tiny Habits:

Behavior is behavior, it’s always a result of motivation, ability, and prompt coming together at the same moment.


Tiny Habits:

When you create a host of positive change, you move closer to the person you want to become.


Tiny Habits:

Removing the prompt is the simplest option for stopping an unwanted habit. And the best way to remove a prompt is to redesign your environment.


Tiny Habits:

If you can’t remove the prompt for your bad habit, then try avoiding the prompt.


Tiny Habits:

Since true habits are behaviors we do without thinking, requiring yourself to concentrate can be a good way to stop a habit or reduce its frequency.


Tiny Habits:

Look for ways to make your unwanted habit conflict with an important habit, a routine you value more than the habit you want to stop.


Tiny Habits:

People are often conflicted about stopping a habit. Part of them wants to stop but another part doesn’t.


Tiny Habits:

When swapping behaviors, you’ve got to bring your habit creation skills to bear in order to find a new habit that is easier to do and more motivating that the old one.


Tiny Habits:

We shape our families, communities, and societies through our actions. And they shape us. The habits we create and perpetuate matter.