The No Asshole Rule:
…asshole poisoning is a contagious disease that anyone can catch.
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The No Asshole Rule:
The more time we spend knee-deep in nasty people, the more prone we are to become just like them.
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The No Asshole Rule:
…if you can’t or won’t quit your job, do everything you can to limit your contact with the worst people.
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The No Asshole Rule:
Warning: seeing coworkers as rivals and enemies is a dangerous game.
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The No Asshole Rule:
…pay close attention to how the people talk… do they still say we, or do they start saying us versus them?
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The No Asshole Rule:
Don’t focus on all the big and little ways you are superior or inferior. Think of all the ways that fellow human beings are just like you…
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The No Asshole Rule:
…this blend of constant dissatisfaction, unquenchable desires, and overbearing competitiveness can damage your mental health.
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The No Asshole Rule:
If you want to confront the hard facts about yourself rather than wallowing in your protective delusions, try contrasting what you believe about yourself with how others see you.
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The No Asshole Rule:
…research shows that, at best, personality has only moderate effects on what people do in different situations.
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The No Asshole Rule:
The best predictor of future behavior is past behavior.
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