Book Titles

The No Asshole Rule
Building a Civilized Workplace and Surviving One That Isn’t

By Robert Sutton

Year Published: 2007
ISBN-13: 978-0446526562
Categories: Difficult People, Emotional Intelligence

67 Quotes Found

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The No Asshole Rule:

Research on everything… reveals that constructive arguments over ideas – but not nasty personal arguments – drive greater performance…


The No Asshole Rule:

…when teams engage in conflict over ideas in an atmosphere of mutual respect, they develop better ideas and perform better.


The No Asshole Rule:

…when people act like a bunch of assholes, the whole group suffers.


The No Asshole Rule:

…the lion’s share of bullying and psychological abuse is within gender…


The No Asshole Rule:

Every organization needs the no asshole rule because mean-spirited people do massive damage…


The No Asshole Rule:

…there is also growing evidence that equal-opportunity assholes can inflict great harm on their targets.


The No Asshole Rule:

Assholes have devastating cumulative effects…


The No Asshole Rule:

It takes numerous encounters with positive people to offset the energy and happiness sapped by a single episode with one asshole.


The No Asshole Rule:

Demeaning jerks are victims of their own actions. They suffer career setbacks and, at times, humiliation.


The No Asshole Rule:

…organizations that shelter assholes risk greater legal costs…