The No Asshole Rule:
…conflict is constructive when people argue over ideas rather than personality or relationship issues…
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The No Asshole Rule:
…having one conspicuous rule-breaker can spur others to do the right thing.
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The No Asshole Rule:
…if you keep one or two token assholes around, then you want to make it crystal clear that their behavior is wrong.
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The No Asshole Rule:
…be slow to brand people as certified assholes just because they act like temporary assholes now and then or have a gruff exterior.
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The No Asshole Rule:
Effective asshole management entails an interplay, fueling a virtuous, self-reinforcing cycle…
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The No Asshole Rule:
Having all the right business philosophies and management practices to support the no asshole rule is meaningless unless you treat the person right in front of you, right now, in the right way.
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The No Asshole Rule:
Treating people with respect rather than contempt makes good business sense…
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The No Asshole Rule:
Human emotions, including anger, contempt, and fear, are remarkably contagious.
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The No Asshole Rule:
Contagion studies also show that when people ‘catch’ unpleasant expressions from others, like frowning or glaring, it makes them feel grumpier and angrier…
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The No Asshole Rule:
If you join a group filled with jerks, odds are that you will catch their disease.
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