Flawless Consulting:
Most learning comes from speaking and doing.
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Flawless Consulting:
When we give up control and act as relative equals, we make ourselves vulnerable.
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Flawless Consulting:
Consulting cannot be done well without genuine caring for the client, and the challenge is to find ways to embody our care in the way we do the work.
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Flawless Consulting:
…we need to build elements of surprise, discovery, and not knowing into our interaction with clients.
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Flawless Consulting:
If learning and change are truly our intent, a slower, more demanding, and more deliberative approach is required.
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Flawless Consulting:
Most persistent problems that call for consultation have no clear right answer.
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Flawless Consulting:
Living systems are not controllable, despite the fact that they evolve toward order and some cohesion.
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Flawless Consulting:
The questions that heal us and offer hope for authentic change are the ones we cannot easily answer.
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Flawless Consulting:
The door to new ways of thinking doe snot open easily, and it is the tension in the room that actually becomes the key.
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Flawless Consulting:
Each intention of cultural change needs to find expression in the present, or it loses its credibility.
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