Book Titles

Absolute Value
What Really Influences Customers in the Age of (Nearly) Perfect Information

By Emanuel Rosen, Itimar Simonson

Year Published: 2014
ISBN-13: 978-0062215673
Categories: Information, Products, Value

60 Quotes Found

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Absolute Value:

…once you assess absolute value more precisely, you can actually determine if you get what you pay for.


Absolute Value:

…from a consumer’s perspective, loyalty can often be an inferior input, because quality and performance can vary greatly across products by the same company.


Absolute Value:

…you can never rest on your laurels. The good news is that more decisions are in play and you have better second chances.


Absolute Value:

Success is driven by the merit of your current product and much less by your customers’ past experience.


Absolute Value:

…more and more consumers see their relationships with companies as an open marriage: If something better comes along, they will go with the better option.


Absolute Value:

…for better or for worse, your past record doesn’t matter as much as it used to.


Absolute Value:

…in the new information environment, we can expect faster uncertainty resolution regarding the product quality, regarding preference fit, and regarding product acceptance by relevant others.


Absolute Value:

These days, finding people like you – whether they’re strangers or acquaintances – who have adopted an innovation is much simpler than it was in the past.


Absolute Value:

It is easier to try something new and seemingly incompatible when one can readily see its benefits and the ease of adoption.


Absolute Value:

…you product should be ready from day one to all types of users, not only those who are most tech savvy.