The Badass Business Analyst:
[Difficult] conversations need to be had and the Badass Business Analyst will have them.
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The Badass Business Analyst:
If we want healthy, productive teams and projects, crucial conversations must be had frequently.
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The Badass Business Analyst:
…the most effective leaders are the ones who can skillfully address risky political and emotional issues.
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The Badass Business Analyst:
The problem with communication is that you don’t know when people are going to break down or do something unexpected.
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The Badass Business Analyst:
Remember, not everyone is aware that they are displaying bad behavior.
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The Badass Business Analyst:
The more stress in your life means the more crucial conversations you need to have to reduce that stress.
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The Badass Business Analyst:
A Badass Business Analyst is keenly aware that when they are unable to move forward they need to have crucial conversations to remove roadblocks.
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The Badass Business Analyst:
Want to figure out what roadblocks are really in your way? Start by work[ing] backwards. Look at the results that you are not getting.
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The Badass Business Analyst:
Having the courage of conviction is not always an easy thing to embrace. You will have to find conviction if you are going to see a crucial conversation happen.
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The Badass Business Analyst:
Most people avoid crucial conversations. Can you blame them? People are very complicated, difficult, different, unpredictable, and scary.
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