Book Titles

On Becoming a Leader

By Warren Bennis

Year Published: 2009
ISBN-13: 978-0465014088
Categories: Leadership, Management, Success

163 Quotes Found

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On Becoming a Leader:

In innovative learning, one must not only recognize existing contexts, but be capable of imagining future contexts.


On Becoming a Leader:

By examining and understanding the past, we can move into the future unencumbered by it. We become free to express ourselves, rather than needlessly trying to prove ourselves.


On Becoming a Leader:

There is nothing you can do about your early life now, except to understand it. You can, however, do everything about the rest of your life.


On Becoming a Leader:

Universities, unfortunately, are not always the best place to learn. Too many of them are less places of higher learning than they are high-class vocational schools.


On Becoming a Leader:

We need to wander through all the woods at our disposal, and out of all that to begin to understand ourselves and the world.


On Becoming a Leader:

One of the marvelous things about life is that any gaps in your education can be filled, whatever your age or situation, by reading, and thinking about what you read.


On Becoming a Leader:

This is how learning is meant to be – active, passionate, and person. What you read should be grist for your own mill; you should make it yours.


On Becoming a Leader:

The stranger in a strange land sees more and sees fresh.


On Becoming a Leader:

Being on the road not only requires the full deployment of one’s self, it redeploys one, tests one’s strengths and weaknesses, and exposes new strengths and weaknesses.


On Becoming a Leader:

As much as we each need… regular respite, we need true engagement too; we need mentors and friends and groups of allied souls.