Book Titles

On Becoming a Leader

By Warren Bennis

Year Published: 2009
ISBN-13: 978-0465014088
Categories: Leadership, Management, Success

163 Quotes Found

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On Becoming a Leader:

Applauding yourself for the small successes, and taking the small bow, are good ways of learning to experience life each moment that you live it. And that’s part of inventing yourself, of creating your own destiny.


On Becoming a Leader:

If you think of what you want and examine the possibilities, you can usually figure out a way to accomplish it. – Shirley Hufstedler


On Becoming a Leader:

Know thyself, then, means separating who you are and who you want to be from what the world thinks you are and wants you to do.


On Becoming a Leader:

…all of us can find tangible and intangible rewards in self-knowledge and self-control, because if you go on doing what you’ve always done, you’ll go on getting what you’ve always got – which may be less than you want or deserve.


On Becoming a Leader:

Major stumbling blocks on the path to self-knowledge are denial and blame.


On Becoming a Leader:

Nothing is truly yours until you understand it – not even yourself.


On Becoming a Leader:

Our feelings are raw, unadulterated truth, but until we understand why we are happy or angry or anxious, the truth is useless to us.


On Becoming a Leader:

…leaders learn from others, but they are not made by others. This is the mark of leaders.


On Becoming a Leader:

Leaders begin, then, by backing themselves, inspiring themselves, trusting themselves, and ultimately inspire others by being trustworthy.


On Becoming a Leader:

Leaders, whatever the field, are made up as much of their experiences as their skills, like everyone else. Unlike everyone else, they use their experience rather than being used by it.