Book Titles

The Way We’re Working Isn’t Working
The Four Forgotten Needs That Energize Great Performance

By Tony Schwartz

Year Published: 2010
ISBN-13: 978-1439127667
Categories: Energy, Needs, Performance

204 Quotes Found

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The Way We’re Working Isn’t Working:

Building intermittent breaks into the workday is not only counterintuitive, it’s also countercultural in the vast majority of organizations.


The Way We’re Working Isn’t Working:

Perhaps no single daytime renewal behavior more reliably influences performance – and is less common in the workplace – than taking a nap.


The Way We’re Working Isn’t Working:

Intense movement, balanced by deep recovery, dramatically increases our capacity, not just physically but also mentally and emotionally.


The Way We’re Working Isn’t Working:

We lose fitness very rapidly when we’re sedentary, but we can gain it back if we’re willing to make the effort.


The Way We’re Working Isn’t Working:

…we cannot expect growth or improvement in any dimension of our lives without intentionally and regularly challenging our current capacity.


The Way We’re Working Isn’t Working:

If you are a leader or a manager, creating a new way of working begins with recognizing that renewal serves performance.


The Way We’re Working Isn’t Working:

…stop evaluating performance by the number of hours employees put in and instead measure it by the value they produce.


The Way We’re Working Isn’t Working:

…treat employees like adults by giving them freedom to decide how best to get their work done and hold them accountable for their results, not the hours they work.


The Way We’re Working Isn’t Working:

As the demands in our lives have increased, our energy reserves have inexorably run down.


The Way We’re Working Isn’t Working:

Systematically investing in people’s capacity, beginning at the physical level, is the key to fueling sustainable high performance.