The Way We’re Working Isn’t Working:
If you want those in your charge to be effective at delaying gratification and focusing their attention effectively, it goes a long way to make them feel aared for and secure.
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The Way We’re Working Isn’t Working:
…the concern about missing something important almost invariably proves to be unfounded.
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The Way We’re Working Isn’t Working:
It takes time to become mentally absorbed, especially in challenging work.
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The Way We’re Working Isn’t Working:
The capacity to stay fully present – to do one thing at a time – is a challenge contemplative traditions have been grappling with for thousands of years.
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The Way We’re Working Isn’t Working:
We rarely get our best ideas when we’re actively trying to get them, using our logic and our will. More common, they come to us when we’re not consciously seeking them.
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The Way We’re Working Isn’t Working:
The best ideas occur to us, paradoxically, when we let go of conscious control…
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The Way We’re Working Isn’t Working:
..intentionally setting aside time to quiet the mind and activate the right hemisphere… is a powerful way to induce creative breakthroughs.
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The Way We’re Working Isn’t Working:
Numerous studies show that the most inspiring leaders are consistently those who tune in to what others are feeling and listen to them with genuine interest and respect.
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The Way We’re Working Isn’t Working:
First Insight > Saturation > Incubation > Illumination > Verification
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The Way We’re Working Isn’t Working:
Information…represents the raw material from which original thinking emerges – and the more knowledge one has, the better the base.
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