Book Titles

The Way We’re Working Isn’t Working
The Four Forgotten Needs That Energize Great Performance

By Tony Schwartz

Year Published: 2010
ISBN-13: 978-1439127667
Categories: Energy, Needs, Performance

204 Quotes Found

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The Way We’re Working Isn’t Working:

Once we’re distracted by something new, we often forget about the original task.


The Way We’re Working Isn’t Working:

The ultimate consequence of juggling many tasks is not superficiality but rather overload.


The Way We’re Working Isn’t Working:

We’ve failed to recognize that attention is a capacity that must be both intentionally trained and regularly renewed.


The Way We’re Working Isn’t Working:

…many researchers now believe that regardless of your inborn talent, you can achieve excellence in almost any domain through single-minded focus and practice.


The Way We’re Working Isn’t Working:

Though few [distractions] are truly threatening and most are relatively trivial, they’re often very seductive and compelling.


The Way We’re Working Isn’t Working:

When something enters our field of attention, simply responding to it is the path of least resistance.


The Way We’re Working Isn’t Working:

The only thing more horrifying to most of us than an inbox with two hundred new e-mails is one that doesn’t contain any. We want to be wanted.


The Way We’re Working Isn’t Working:

Gaining more control of our attention, it turns out, is intimately linked to our capacity to delay gratification.


The Way We’re Working Isn’t Working:

…the more secure children feel, the more emboldened they are to separate from their mothers and explore the world.


The Way We’re Working Isn’t Working:

…the safer and more secure we feel, the more attention we can allocate to our long-term goals.