Book Titles

The Way We’re Working Isn’t Working
The Four Forgotten Needs That Energize Great Performance

By Tony Schwartz

Year Published: 2010
ISBN-13: 978-1439127667
Categories: Energy, Needs, Performance

204 Quotes Found

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The Way We’re Working Isn’t Working:

…a note written by hand and sent through the mail is more personal and powerful for the recipient.


The Way We’re Working Isn’t Working:

Because the impact of bad is stronger than good, the first rule for an effective leader is simply to avoid devaluing emotions: anger, intimidation, disparagement, and shame.


The Way We’re Working Isn’t Working:

A workplace culture characterized by appreciation and high regard for employees undeniably drives higher engagement and loyalty.


The Way We’re Working Isn’t Working:

The safer and more valued people feel, the more resilient they are in the face of high demand and uncertainty.


The Way We’re Working Isn’t Working:

Not even the best-run organizations can avoid challenges, conflict, and stress, especially in tough economic times. But leaders at all levels can profoundly influence the way an organization responds…


The Way We’re Working Isn’t Working:

Avoiding conflict typically creates more harm than communicating directly and honestly about it.


The Way We’re Working Isn’t Working:

The vast majority of people tell us that they prefer depth to breadth and quality to quantity. But that’s scarcely the way we live our lives.


The Way We’re Working Isn’t Working:

…our lives have been divided into smaller and smaller increments of focus. We do more things than ever, but we’ve lost control of our attention.


The Way We’re Working Isn’t Working:

We’re too busy t trying to keep up even to focus on the fact that the way we’re working isn’t working.


The Way We’re Working Isn’t Working:

The external obstacles to absorbed focus are greater than ever and the demands on our attention continue to increase inexorably.