Book Titles

The Way We’re Working Isn’t Working
The Four Forgotten Needs That Energize Great Performance

By Tony Schwartz

Year Published: 2010
ISBN-13: 978-1439127667
Categories: Energy, Needs, Performance

204 Quotes Found

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The Way We’re Working Isn’t Working:

The Long Lens may allow you to see the potential for learning, growth, and a better future, despite the current hardship.


The Way We’re Working Isn’t Working:

We have vastly more control over how we experience what happens to us – and how we behave as a result – than we ordinarily believe.


The Way We’re Working Isn’t Working:

…we have the option to face the facts exactly as they are – to see reality unvarnished, in all its complexity – and then focus on making the most of the life we’ve been given.


The Way We’re Working Isn’t Working:

A leader’s job is to mobilize, focus, inspire, and regularly renew the energy of those they lead.


The Way We’re Working Isn’t Working:

The conclusion is inescapable: truly valuing people pays huge dividends.


The Way We’re Working Isn’t Working:

Leaders who rely on negative emotions may get the short-term results they’re seeking, but the costs accrue over time.


The Way We’re Working Isn’t Working:

A harsh leader begets not just fear but also resentment, and those feelings are likely to influence people’s performance and their loyalty in the long run.


The Way We’re Working Isn’t Working:

Unless we’re observing our own emotions – and intentionally taking control of them – we’re often the product of our most recent experiences.


The Way We’re Working Isn’t Working:

We hunger for close relationships not just in our personal lives but also at work, and we especially need to feel valued by those who manage and evaluate us.


The Way We’re Working Isn’t Working:

Because gestures of appreciation are so rare in most organizations, a little goes a long way.